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Alhagi maurorum - Yavasa

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[[File:The immature fruits of Solanum surattense in Yunnan, China.jpg|thumb|right|''Kantakari'']]
Solanum virginianum <ref name="Solanum virginianum"/> , is also called Surattense nightshade, yellow-fruit nightshade, yellow-berried nightshade, Thai green eggplant, Thai striped eggplant (from the unripe fruit), is a species of nightshade native to Asia (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia), and is adventive in Egypt. It is a medicinal plant used in India, but the fruit is poisonous. ==Uses=={{Uses|Wounds}}, {{Uses|Cuts}}, {{Uses|Snakebites}}, {{Uses|Curing liver disorders}}, {{Uses|Skin eruptions}}, {{Uses|Blotches}}, {{Uses|Pimples}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Sore throats}}<ref name="Uses"/> ==Parts Used=={{Parts Used|Dried Folaige}}, {{Parts Used|Whole herb}}. ==Chemical Composition==Alkaloid, phytosterols, Glucose, Mannitol<ref name="chemical composition"/> ==Common names=={{Common names|kn=|ml=|sa=|ta=|te=|hi=|en=Agrimony}} ==Habit=={{Habit|Perennial shrub}} ==Identification=====Leaf==={{Leaf|Simple||entire leaves are oval to lance shaped and are alternate along the stem}}<ref name="Leaf"/> ===Flower==={{Flower|Unisexual|(2.5 to 5 cm) in length|Yellow|5-20|Small, pealike flowers are produced in June to August. These brown to maroon flowers extend from sharp, yellow spines that are 1 to 2 in. (2.5 to 5 cm) in length and located along the rigid branches}} ===Fruit==={{Fruit|simple|7–10 mm (0.28–0.4 in.) long pome|Seedpods are constricted between the individual reddish brown to tan seeds and are tipped with small beak|Camelthorn spreads mainly from rhizomes|many}}
===Other features===
== Traditional List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==* [[Vishatinduka Taila]] as ''root juice extract''
==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.
In the tribes of Nilgiris, the ==How to plant is used to treat a whitlow (finger abscess): the finger is inserted into a ripe fruit for /cultivate==Requires a few minutes.In Nepal, sunny position in a decoction of root is taken twice a day for seven days well-drained light or medium soil<ref name="How to treat cough, asthma and chest pain.plant/cultivate"/>
==Common nameCommonly seen growing in areas=={{Commonly seen|Edges of ditches}}, {{Commonly seen|waste and often saline place}}, {{Commonly seen|dry barren places[}}.
* '''English''' ==Photo Gallery==<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">Solanum surattense.JPG|The plantSolanum virginianum (8245207906).jpg|The flowersThe immature fruits of Solanum surattense in Yunnan, China.jpg|The immature fruitsകണ്ടകാരിചുണ്ട- Persian Manna Plantsolanum xanthocarpum.jpg|Unripe (green) and ripe (yellow)* '''Kannada''' - ನೆಲಗುಲ್ಲಾSolanum xanthocarpum, fruit opened.JPG|A fruit opened* '''Hindi''' - Javasa</gallery>
== References ==
<ref name="Solanum virginianumchemical composition">[ "ayurvite wellness"]</ref> <ref name="Leaf">[ maurorum-camelthorn "taxonomy"]</ref> <ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "wikipediapractical trophical palnts"]</ref>
==External Links==* []* []* []* []

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