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[[File:Boerhaavia diffusaArtocarpus hirsutus - Wild Jack, Jungle Jack.jpg|thumb|right|''PunarnavaWild Jack'', ''Boerhavia diffusaJungle Jack'']]
'''PunarnavaArtocarpus hirsutus''' is a species of flowering plant tree seen in the four o'clock family which is commonly known as punarnava. It is taken in herbal medicine for pain relief evergreen and other uses. The leaves of punarnava are often used as a green vegetable in many parts of Indiasemi-evergreen forests from south Maharashtra to Kanyakumari.
'''Uses:''' ObesityPimples, DropsyCracks in Skin, Blood pressureSores, Gastric disturbancesDiarrhoea, AsthmaSkin diseases, JaundiceIntrinsic haemorrhage, AnascaraPoisons.'''Chemical Composition:'''The Artocarpus species are rich in phenolic compounds including flavonoids, Anaemiastilbenoids, Internal inflammationarylbenzofurons and Jacalin, Indurated livera lectin.