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==Therapeutic uses==
==Therapeutic uses==
*anaha (distension of abdomen), Antravrddhi (Hernia), Mutrakrcchra (Dysuria), Asmari (calculus), Hrtsula (Angina pectoris), Parsvasula (intercostal neuralgia and polydynia), Ardita (facial palsy), Ëmavata (Rheumatism), Sandhigata Vata (osteoarthropathy), Mandagni (reduced digestive fire), Vata roga (diseases due to Vata Dosha), Katisula (lower backache), Janusul (pain in the knee), Írusula (pain in the thigh region), Prathasula (backache), Bahyayama (opisthotonus).
*anaha (Distension of abdomen), Antravrddhi (Hernia), Mutrakrcchra (Dysuria), Asmari (Calculus), Hrtsula (Angina pectoris), Parsvasula (Intercostal neuralgia and polydynia), Ardita (Facial palsy), Ëmavata (Rheumatism), Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthropathy), Mandagni (Reduced digestive fire), Vata roga (Diseases due to vata dosha), Katisula (Lower backache), Janusul (Pain in the knee), Írusula (Pain in the thigh region), Prathasula (Backache), Bahyayama (Opisthotonus).
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[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Loss of hair]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Distension of abdomen]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases of eyes]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Hernia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases of ear]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Dysuria]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases of head]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Calculus]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Neck rigidity]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Angina pectoris]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Torticollis]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Intercostal neuralgia and polydynia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Difficulty in swallowing]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Facial palsy]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Rheumatism]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Premature baldness]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Osteoarthropathy]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Alopecia areata]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Reduced digestive fire]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lower backache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pain in the knee]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pain in the thigh region]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Backache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Opisthotonus]]

Revision as of 14:46, 23 September 2018

Bhrhat Saindavaadi Taila is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Era¸·a taila as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

Saindhava (Saindhava Lava¸a (API)) Rock salt 24 g
áreyas¢ (Gajapippal¢ API ) Scindapsus officinalis Fr. 24 g
R¡sn¡ API Pluchea lanceolata [Alpinia galanga (Official Substitute)] Rt. 24 g
áatapuÀp¡ (áat¡hv¡ API) Anethum sowa Fr. 24 g
Yam¡nik¡ (Yav¡n¢ API) Trachyspermum ammi Fr. 24 g
Sarjik¡ (Svarj¢kÀ¡ra (API)) Crude alkaline earth 24 g
Marica API Piper nigrum Fr. 24 g
Ku˦ha API Saussurea lappa Rt. 24 g
áu¸¶h¢ API Zingiber officinale Rz. 24 g
Sauvarcala (Sauvarcala Lava¸a (API)) Black salt 24 g
Vi·a (Vi·a Lava¸a) 24 g
Vac¡ API Acorus calamus Rz. 24 g
Ajamod¡ API Apium leptophyllum Fr. 24 g
Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢ API) Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt. 24 g
J¢raka (áveta J¢raka API) Cuminum cyminum Fr. 24 g
PauÀkara (PuÀkara API) Inula racemosa Rt. 24 g
Ka¸¡ (Pippal¢ API) Piper longum Fr. 24 g
Era¸·a Taila (API) Castor oil 768 g
áatapuÀpaj¡mbu (áat¡hv¡ API) Anethum sowa Fr. 768 g Jala API for pha¸¶a Potable Water 3.0720 l
K¡µjika (API) Sour gruel 1.536 l
Mastu (Godadhi (API)) Curd whey from cow milk 1.536 l

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Treat Eranda taila to prepare m£rcchita Era¸·a taila.
  • A day prior to the sneha p¡ka, iniate to prepare Mastu.
  • Wash, clean, dry the ingredient number 19 of the Formulation Composition, powder and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) (kvatha dravya).
  • Add water for decoction to the kvatha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain kvatha.[1]


  • Medicated oil, golden yellow in color, odour unpleasant and characteristic of castor oil.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • anaha (Distension of abdomen), Antravrddhi (Hernia), Mutrakrcchra (Dysuria), Asmari (Calculus), Hrtsula (Angina pectoris), Parsvasula (Intercostal neuralgia and polydynia), Ardita (Facial palsy), Ëmavata (Rheumatism), Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthropathy), Mandagni (Reduced digestive fire), Vata roga (Diseases due to vata dosha), Katisula (Lower backache), Janusul (Pain in the knee), Írusula (Pain in the thigh region), Prathasula (Backache), Bahyayama (Opisthotonus).


  • 5 ml per day in divided doses, also used for Abhyanga and Basti

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.460 to 1.467
Specific gravity at 400 0.947 to 0.974
Saponification value 178 to 200
Iodine value 70 to 90
Acid value 5 to 10
Peroxide value Not more than 5
