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Ekapada Baddha Malasana

2,115 bytes added, 6 years ago
'''Eka Pada Baddha Malasana''' <ref name="Eka Pada Baddha Malasana"/> is an Asana. It is translated as One Leg Bound Garland Pose from Sanskrit.The name of this pose comes from "'''eka" ''' meaning "'''one"''', "'''pada" ''' meaning "'''leg"''', "'''mala" ''' meaning "'''garland"''', and "'''asana" ''' meaning "'''posture" ''' or "'''seat"'''. This pose is a variation of Malasana.
== Benefits and Cautions Technique==
# Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
# Exhale and squat keeping your feet flat on the floor. If you are not able to squat, then use a wall to support your body’s weight and push your hips slowly towards the floor. You can also place your hands on a 2 feet tall chair / table and slowly bend your knees forming a right angle.
# Place your hands on the floor and lean your torso forward.
# Bring your right shoulder under your right knee and wrap your elbow around your knee in such a way that your armpit encompasses your knee.
# Place the back of your right palm on your lower back.
# Inhale and lift your left arm up. Bend your elbow and bring the back of your left palm on your lower back.
# Interlace your fingers and pull your shoulders away from each other. If you are not able to interlace your fingers, then use a strap and hold it with both your hands as close as possible.
# Exhale and lift your hips up slightly to bring your feet together.
# Shift your weight to your left leg and stand completely upright with your right leg still bound.
# Stay in this pose for 3 to 6 long breaths.<ref name="Technique"/>
*This pose has the following benefits: it opens the inner hips and thigs, stretches the lower back, front shoulder head and the rotator cuffs muscles. It gently stimulates the spine by offering a light twist.==Technique in pictures/animation==
*Be careful while doing this pose if you have any ankle, knee, hip, lower back or shoulder injuries.
==Effects==* Improves focus, balance and concentration.* Stretches and strengthens the spine, shoulders, arms, hip flexors, groins and leg muscles.* Improves metabolism.* Strengthens the core muscles<ref name="Effects"/> ==Related Asanas==* [[Baddha Konasana]]* [[Upavistha Konasana]]* [[Virasana]] ==Special requisites==The people suffering from following injuries should avoid this pose: * Anyone suffering from severe knee, hip, shoulder or neck injuries. ==Initial practice notes==Beginners can use props, although Eka Pada Baddha Malasana is not a tough Asana. Beginners may use a rope from upside infront for maintaining body balance during performing this Asana. == References ==
<ref name="Eka Pada Baddha MalasanaTechnique">[https://en365dayspact.wikipediawordpress.orgcom/2017/06/04/eka-pada-malasana-one-legged-garland-pose-remove-all-muscle-tension/ "Methodology"]</ref>    <ref name="Effects">[ .html "wikipediaBenefits"]</ref> 
==External Links==* [ Eka Pada Baddha Malasana on]* [CAtegory Eka Pada Baddha Malasana on]* [ Eka Pada Baddha Malasana on] [[Category:Yoga]]

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