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Eleusine indica

777 bytes added, 4 years ago
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[[File:E. indica inflorescence 1.jpg|thumb|right]]
'''Eleusine indica''' is an erect, annual grass, branching at the base and forming clumps. It can grow from 15 - 85cm tall. It has a particularly tough root system and is hard to pull out. A weed in many areas of the tropical to temperate zones. The plant is also used locally as a medicine, food and source of materials for weaving, making paper etc.
{{Uses|Bladder disorders}}, {{Uses|Liver complaints}}, {{Uses|Relieve pain}}, {{Uses|Influenza}}, {{Uses|Hypertension}}, {{Uses|Oliguria}}, {{Uses|Retention of urine}}, {{Uses|Wounds}}, {{Uses|Malaria}}, {{Uses|Skin rashes}}, {{Uses|Asthma}}.<ref name="Uses"/>
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Seeds}}, {{Parts Used|stem}}, {{Parts Used|leavesYoung seedlings}}, {{Parts Used|Root}}.
==Chemical Composition==
==Mode of Propagation==
==How to plant/cultivate==
Wire grass can be grown from the temperate zone to the tropics, where it is found at elevations up to 2,000 metres.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Roadsides}}, {{Commonly seen|}}, {{Commonly seen|}}, {{Commonly seen|}}, {{Commonly seen|Waste places}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<ref name="chemical composition">[Chemistry]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[Morphology]</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ Cultivation]</ref>
<ref name="Uses">Indian Medicinal Plants by C.P.Khare</ref>
==External Links==
* [ Eleusine indica on]* [ Eleusine indica on]* [ ]
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