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Snehana is an important procedure which is considerd as poorvakarma to panchakarma therapy
snehana denote oily substance and therapy which is done using sneha is considered as snehana.
ETHYMOLOGY - स्निह् धातु , ल्युट् प्रत्यय THE WORD SNEHANA HAS TWO MEANING 1)Means to render the effection 2)Means to render lubrication
स्नेहनं स्नेह विष्यन्दं मर्धवं स्नेह कारकं (charaka sutra 22/11)
This is the procedure in which that bring unctiousness, liquification,softness and moistness to the body
Sneha dravya is obtained mainly from two sources
1)स्थावर- Plant sources
2)जाङ्गम- Animal sources
The plant sources are ;
1)तिल(Sesamum indicum)
2)अतसि(Linum usitatissimum)
3)प्रियाल(Buchanania lanzan)
4)बिभितक(Terminalia belerica)
5)अभय(Terminalia chebula)
6)एरण्(Ricinus communis)
7)सर्षप(Brassica nigra)
8)बिल्व(Aegle marmelos)
9)शिग्रु (Moringa oleifera)
10)करञ्ज(Pongamia pinnata)
== References ==

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