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Malpighia emarginata - Acerola

1,271 bytes added, 1 year ago
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[[File:Malpighia glabra blossom and unripe fruits.jpg|thumb|right|''Malpighia emarginata'']]
'''Malpighia emarginata''' is a tropical fruit-bearing shrub or small tree in the family Malpighiaceae. Acerola is native to South America, southern Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Central America, but is now also being grown as far north as Texas and in subtropical areas of Asia, such as India.
==Uses== {{Uses|allergic rhinitisScurvy}}, {{Uses|HerpesDiabetes}}, {{Other Uses|Fruit pulpCancer prevention}}, {{Other Uses|JuiceAnti aging action}}, {{Other Uses|Source of Vitamin CMetabolic disorders}}, {{Other Uses|Baby FoodHeart problems}}, {{Other Uses|antioxidentDigestion}}, {{Other Ues|Bonsai}}, {{Other Uses|Ornamental}}.<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|FruitFruits}}.<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Chemical Composition==
Acerola provides a rich source of vitamin C, about 1000 to 4000 mg per 100 grams. The green, unripe fruits contain twice the amount of Vitamin C than the ripe fruits.<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Sime Arenelli|ml=|sa=|ta=|te=|hi=|en=Barbados Cherry}} ==Properties==Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.===Dravya=== ===Rasa=== ===Guna=== ===Veerya=== ===Vipaka=== ===Karma=== ===Prabhava===
{{Habit|Evergreen ShrubHerb}}, {{Habit|Small tree}},
{{Leaf|Simple|Ovate-lanceolate|The leaves are divided into 3-6 toothed leaflets, with smaller leaflets in between}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Leaf|Simple|ovate-lanceolate|attached to short petioles}} {{Feature|have entire or undulating margins with small hairs, which can irritate skin.}}
{{Flower|BisexualUnisexual|12-2cm dia4cm long|Yellow|5 pale to deep pink or red fringed petals|-10 Stamens|6-10 glands The flowers are sessile and borne on the calyxshort-peduncled cymes. Flowering season is May - November}} 
{{Fruit|DrupesThe fruit is very long and narrow|Bright RedPointed at both ends|Dia 0.39-1.18|mass 3-5 gIt contains thin flat seeds|pairs/groups of three|triangular seedsMany|Juicy, very high in vitamin C and other nutrientsFruiting season is May - November}} 
===Other features===
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.
==How to plant/cultivate==
Easily grown in a good soil and a sunny position<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Subtropical area}}, {{Commonly seen|Meadows}}, {{Commonly seen|Borders of forests and fields}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
Flor de acerola2.JPG
Malpighia emarginata - Wellesley College - DSC09764.JPG
Starr 070906-8593 Malpighia emarginata.jpg
Starr 070906-8594 Malpighia emarginata.jpg
Starr 070906-8595 Malpighia emarginata.jpg
Starr 071024-0467 Malpighia emarginata.jpg
 <references><ref name="intchemical composition">[ Plants in Human Health and Nutrition PolicyPhytochemistry]</ref> <ref name="int2Leaf">[https://plantswww.usdaayurtimes.govcom/coreacerola-barbados-cherry-malpighia-emarginata/profile?symbol=MAGL6 "Malpighia glabra L. wild crapemyrtle"Plant description]</ref> <ref name="usesHow to plant/cultivate">[http://wwwtropical.scielotheferns.brinfo/scieloviewtropical.php?scriptid=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782006000400037&lng=en&nrm=iso "Wild fruits and pulps of frozen fruits: antioxidant activity, polyphenols and anthocyanins"Malpighia+emarginata Cultivation Details]</ref> <ref name="uses2Karnataka Medicinal Plants">[https://web"Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume - 2" by, Page, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #45, Paapannana Tota, 1st Main road, Basaveshwara Nagara, Bengaluru.PDF "Malpighia glabra"]</ref> 
==External Links==
* [ Garden]* [ How to Grow Acerola Cherries]*[ ''Plant.aspx?LatinName=Malpighia+emarginata Malpighia emarginata'' on Wikipediaplants for future]
[[Category:Ayurvedic herbs that don't have seed photos]]

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